Oil Painting for Beginners | Trina Smith | Tue-Fri, June 18-21 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM


Adult | Oil | Levels 1-2

Members: $590 | Non-Members: $630

Course ID: 2D2407

Register Now Meal Plan Info

*This workshop must meet a minimum number of students by May 14, 2024.


Gain confidence in the nuts and bolts of the oil painting medium in this workshop geared toward beginners. Learn how to interpret what you see and transfer that information to canvas to create paintings in the realist tradition that are aesthetically sound. Color theory and compositional strategies are covered along with the technical basics of oil painting.


Focusing on developing skills and exploring different approaches, complete a series of still life paintings throughout the week. Tips and strategies for mixing and applying paint, seeing and translating color, and solving compositional issues are at the heart of each painting approach. Demonstrations and discussions introduce you to each concept, while one-on-one instruction provides you with constructive feedback. Though you are working from the still life each day, the objectives of this workshop benefit any genre or style of oil painting.

Skill Level

Designed for beginners; no prior experience with oil paints necessary.

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In Trina Smith’s classroom, everyone has vast artistic potential. She sees it as her role to create a space in which students feel comfortable enough to take risks and engage fully in the creative process. In her own work, Trina explores how visual imagery acts as a metaphor for the complexity of social structure. When not in the studio, she takes trips to Montana and spends time outdoors kayaking, camping, and cross-country skiing. Trina earned her MFA from UW-Madison and is an Assistant Professor of Drawing and Painting at UW-Oshkosh.

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