Off the Screen: Process Behind Photographic Printing | Maeve Jackson | Tue-Fri, June 18-21 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM


Adult | Photography | Levels 2-4

Members: $575 | Non-Members: $615

Course ID: PH2404

Register Now Meal Plan Info

*This workshop must meet a minimum number of students by May 14, 2024.


In current times, our images often stay in the digital format; trapped on our screens and hidden away on our hard drives. Discover the impact of your images in the physical format of photographic prints in this four-day workshop.


The workshop begins with a focus on the editing process. Using your computer's editing software and your archive of images, learn how to adjust exposure, shadows, highlights, contrast, brightness, and saturation to achieve your desired look and aesthetic. Tutorials in Adobe Photoshop are also provided. Move into the printing process with Maeve as your guide with a focus on the technical approaches and considerations, including preparing image files, choosing paper, evaluating prints, and making final adjustments. Build your critique skills as you view and discuss your own prints, as well of those of your classmates'.

Skill Level

Designed for those with a basic comfort level in photography and ready to explore the printing process.

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Maeve Jackson is a Milwaukee based artist and educator with a nomadic sensibility. As she travels her making-space shifts based on where she resides. Maeve is resistant to being limited to any single medium though she prefers working with the platforms of video, photography, and site-specific installations. Her work has been shown in numerous group exhibitions in Milwaukee, as well as Brooklyn, NY; Greensboro College, NC; Chicago, IL; Barcelona, Spain; and southern Austria. She has been featured in exhibitions at John Michael Kohler Art Center (Sheboygan, WI); and at (the once) Dean Jensen Gallery, VAR Gallery, and Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel; with solo exhibitions at The Alice Wilds and Lawrence University’s Wriston Art Galleries. Maeve has attended artist-in-residence programs at Hotel Pupik in southern Austria (2016 and 2019), Cow House Studios Open Residency Program in Wexford, Ireland (2019), and Peninsula School of Art (2023). Her film, “the beautiful”, screened across the United States after its 2017 premiere. Maeve is currently working on her next film, a non-traditional documentary about her family’s farmland.

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