Contemporary Portrait Painting from Photographs | Jonathan Aller | Tue-Fri, June 11-14 | 9:00 AM-4:00 PM


Adult | Acrylic | Oil | All Levels

Members: $550 | Non-Members: $590

Course ID: 2D2404

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Portraits are one of the most intimidating subjects to paint. Creating a simplified process not only helps you to paint with confidence, but also gives you the freedom to explore a more contemporary approach entirely your own. By investigating a range of styles that are prevalent in portraiture, such as impressionistic, naturalistic, and realistic, this workshop unpacks what makes a successful portrait.


This workshop begins with a series of demonstrations and guided explorations. Working from your own photographs, create portraits of your family members, friends, or other connections that incorporate elements that uniquely represent them, including their environment and personal objects. Emphasis is placed on exploring various media, such as acrylics, oils, colored pencils, and markers, to expand your understanding and approach to portraiture.

Skill Level

Open to students of all levels working in any drawing and painting media.

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First and foremost, Jonathan Aller is an artist; one that lives and breathes the need to create. As an educator, he aims to help students build bridges; connecting new content and skills with their prior knowledge. In his own work, Jonathan combines contemporary and classical realms to create a new identity within drawing and painting. When not in the studio, he is either sleeping or spending time with his wife and three-year-old son with a sketchbook in hand. Jonathan holds an MFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design where he also teaches.

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